With the Dow opening nearly 190 points down, investors are trying to decide whether to stay in the fight, or take flight. It’s a scary time to be a stock trader, but not all is doomed. As this Business Week article suggests, now may be the moment to strike for rock bottom bargains on Wall Street. However, the Catch 22 is whether or not it can go any lower.
Investors are pulling out billions of dollars from equity funds. In fact, since December, people have withdrawn over $60 billion according to researchers Morningstar and TrimTabs Investment.
Are you one of those guys?
The others who try and stay active are moving resources to companies like Coke. But for everyone else, is now the time to go on a buying binge? Some people want to make it sound like a Wall Street clearance sale. It’s no easy situation, but now may be the time to capitalize while others struggle with dilemmas.