The fourth season of ABC’s Lost premiered last night, but fans may not be as excited as the network expected.
They know they only have eight weeks before the network runs out of episodes in the can. As long as the strike continues that doesn’t leave them with very much time to get the answers they’ve been yearning for over the last three years.
Just in case the striking writers are listening, and just in case the rumors of an end being in sight are true, Cracked has compiled a list of five questions that Lost fans are dying to have answered.
For the most part, the writers of the list aren’t thrilled about their odds to get the show’s biggest and most confusing mysteries solved soon or with satisfactory answers. They’ve speculated their own theories, compiled the input of their readers and provided us with intelligence they’ve collected from Lost producers.
The fans want to know what the deal is with the ever-present set of six numbers and why Libby was ever romantically interested in Hurley. They want a better explanation for why Walt and his father were written out of the series than the actor was growing up too fast.
Some of the fan explanations are rather frightening. I find myself wondering if it’s safe to keep Lost on TV if people are taking it this seriously. For example, when Cracked asked what viewers thought about the gigantic four-toed statue of a foot (that obviously used to have a leg, body, etc. attached to it), one theorist said that the statue must be from the future when humans have evolved beyond the need for the pinky toe.
That would mean time on the island is moving backwards and therefore everything that we’ve witnessed on the show has been taking place in reverse. So when a flashback occurs, it is a flashforward. People point to the fact that the characters seem to be “ageless” when we seem them in their memory. I’d say that has something more to do with the fact that it’s a TV show, and it’s hard to say to an actor ten years prior to the inception of a project, “Hey, we need you to do this little scene for us because in about a decade you’re going to be a big star!”
For more Lost questions and theories, read Cracked’s full list here.