Congratulations, guys! You didn’t forget about Valentine’s Day this year (hint — it’s next week). So picture this: You got the flowers, the big red heart-shaped box of chocolates and the dinner reservations at Chez Fancypants. She can tell by the way you’ve been eyeing that Rocky box set that you’re still struggling with what to do for the rest of the evening. Wouldn’t a movie sound nice and relaxing at home? Check out our list of the Top 10 Chick Flicks For Valentine’s Day and see which sounds the least painful:
10. The Notebook (2004)
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams star in this emotional roller coaster of a film about a love between two people that simply won’t die—not even after seven years apart. Think of it as Romeo and Juliet without the dying at the end. Well, there’s dying, but they’re old and got to live together their whole lives so it’s okay. If you’re looking to make an “emotional connection,” then this is the right Valentine’s date movie for you. Despite the fact that this is probably one of the most powerful love stories of the decade, it ranks at the bottom of our list because of the tear factor. Once the crying starts, it just doesn’t stop. Not until the last name on the credits rolls. So, beware.
9. Ever After (1998)
Nothing says chick flick like a Cinderella story. No, this is literally a Cinderella story. Drew Barrymore stars as the post-modern feminist version of the fairytale princess with Dougray Scott as her prince. The film tackles familial relationships and class restrictions while delving into the passionate romance between Cinderella and her ticket out of poverty. Blah blah bladdy blah blah. There’s glitter, kissing and pretty dresses. Sure, none of that sounds appealing to you anti-Valentines out there, but while your date concentrates on her heart melting, you get to snicker at the incredibly awkward accent Barrymore uses throughout the film.
8. Pretty Woman (1990)
This is a typical rags-to-riches story starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. Gere steps into the role of Edward Lewis, the hunky rich businessman who takes on the responsibility of turning a Los Angeles prostitute named Vivian Ward (Roberts) into a lady. And, of course, there’s that whole falling in love thing along the way. This movie is sure to please any couple on a Valentine’s date. And women sans the committed boyfriend will find the general premise of the movie quite comforting. If a prostitute can find love, then so can anybody!
7. What Women Want (2000)
It’s Mel Gibson before he was crazy with Helen Hunt and Marisa Tomei. It just does not get better than that. Gibson stars as Nick Marshall, a chauvinistic pig who gets electrocuted and finds himself with the ability to hear women’s thoughts. He uses his new found power to regain his popularity among women, this time by being sensitive rather than sleeping with them. And he falls in love with Helen Hunt. Your Valentine will love this movie because it will give her the impression that even the worst of men can become phenomenal life partners. Even if you think it’s a crock of words we cannot say here.
6. Clueless (1995)
Alicia Silverstone stars as Cher, the Valley girl with a heart of gold who’s determined to help all her friends find love. Not only is this a classic 90s comedy, but it is loosely based on Jane Austen’s Emma. It’s a total two birds/one stone scenario. You get to watch a movie with laughs for everybody (dudes and dudettes alike) while maintaining the illusion that the two of you are watching a literary adaptation of one of the greatest romantic novels in the English language. And Gwyneth Paltrow is nowhere to be seen.
5. Love Actually (2003)
An all-star cast featuring some of Britain’s finest acting talent, this movie is nonstop entertainment. It might be cliché, but it will honestly make you laugh and cry. And by you, of course I mean women. The film has got nine different storylines all rolled into one—you can never get bored! Guys, you’ll be too busy trying to keep up with each of the different plots to realize any embarrassment you may feel at having become so invested in a chick flick (and a British one at that). And the ladies will be too busy staring into the deep blue pools that are Hugh Grant’s eyes to notice anything going on outside of the screen. Think of all the opportunities for stretching and unknowingly resting your arm around her shoulders.
4. Only You (1994)
Marisa Tomei makes another appearance on our fabulous list, this time as a hopeless romantic looking for an excuse not to marry a podiatrist. Robert Downey Jr. serves as costar here, and this was before the drug bust so rest assured that he’s punchy and sardonic as ever! But really this story is about an unlikely pair finding love. However, hilarious antics must ensue along the way making it totally worth your while. This movie also has a subplot regarding Bonnie Hunt’s dissolving marriage not dissolving, which helps to cover the idea of a love past its prime still going strong. Therefore, no matter what your relationship status Valentine’s night, this film covers all the possible angles. Two romance stories rolled into one sure isn’t nine, but this option is way less British than Love Actually.
3. Bull Durham (1988)
You hear this, you think “baseball movie.” And you’re right. We all know Kevin Costner is the man when it comes to sports films. But if this movie is ranked at 24 on Oprah’s O magazine list of “50 Greatest ‘Chick’ Flicks,” (published July 2004), then you can bet your Valentine won’t know any better. Never mind that Oprah totally bogarted one of the greatest sports movies of all time. Field of Dreams and For the Love of the Game are still safe. Take advantage of this opportunity by convincing your date how the passion an athlete feels for his sport translates into how passionate he is towards romantic relationships. And don’t burn the popcorn.
2. Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Daniel Day Lewis in a romantic comedy? Nah. At first glance, this film does not seem like it could possibly be considered a chick flick. But the underlying story actually focuses on the developing relationship between Hawkeye and Cora Munro. Or at least that’s what you can tell her! There’s love and passion and plenty “I will find you!”s to go around. You get to pay attention during the blazing battle scenes and watch a man eat a human heart while she gets to swoon over the fact that you find the love story compelling. Use that word. Compelling.
1. The Bridges of Madison County (1995)
Bridges is one of those timeless romantic storylines. Meryl Streep plays a lonely housewife in a small Iowa town who meets a mysterious photographer from the West Coast. They end up having a powerful and passionate yet short-lived affair. Although they do not spend the rest of their lives happily ever after or even together, the intensity of the movie still does the trick. This film will serve multiple purposes for a successful Valentine’s evening. Your girlfriend, who now thinks you’re “sensitive,” gets to cry and you get to tell your friends you watched a Clint Eastwood movie the day after.

Tags: Valentines, Valentines Day, movies, chick flicks, flix, tips