I’m one of those people who considers dining out a form of entertainment as well as nourishment.
I’m also more than willing to try something new as opposed to the same old tried-and-true recipe when I scan the menu.
That’s why I’d love to try to eat my way through the list of the top seven most unusual restaurants in the world.
Topping the list is a pearl of a restaurant. Literally, the establishment’s name is Ithaa, which means pearl in Dhivehi. Sure, everyone has heard of glass-bottomed boats to lure in the tourist dollars, but how about a dining experience that has the ocean flowing over your head while you eat the catch of the day. The Ithaa, located at Rangalifinolhu, Maldives, is encased in see-through acrylic and is located five meters beneath the ocean’s surface. Do you think their fishy brethren swimming overhead will cast an evil eye your way while you dip your dinner in tartar sauce?
Highlighting the senses of taste and smell is what the restaurant Dans le Noir? does. Now with a location in London in addition to its original site in Paris, the restaurant has the diner eat in total darkness so all attention can be focused on what the taste buds are experiencing. As clumsy as I am, it’s hard for me to fathom not turning over every drink on the table as I tried to fumble in the dark.
For those dining at Hadaka Sushi, eating in the dark would mean missing out on a visual highlight. The sushi there is served on top of a nude human being, with diners getting to choose if they would prefer a male or female serving platter. It’s called nyotaimori or body sushi.
It’s not what’s alive that catches the attention when eating at the Linger Lounge in Bradenton, Florida; it’s all the dead animals attached to the wall. This restaurant might be a taxidermist’s dream, but is likely an animal lover’s nightmare.
Certainly, accomplishing my goal of eating at all seven of these locales could take a big bite out of my travel budget since they are scattered all over the world, but I’m already saving my pennies to try some of that body sushi.
Tags: sushi, restaurants, acrylic, taxidermy, Bradenton Florida, Linger Lounge, Ithaa, body sushi, nyotaimori, seven most unusual restaurants