Let’s just get it out in the open.
Most all of us fumbled blindly and often “failed” miserably in our first sexual encounters.
None of us caused angels to sing or the earth to shake. It was messier and much briefer and a lot less synchronized than we had dreamed and imagined. Very few of these outings probably will show up on our “bedroom” resumes.
The reasons for these less-than-steamy first sexcapades can often be attributed to a complete lack of information (or misinformation overload). Most of our “knowledge” came from four sources. We either heard a brief “be safe, be smart, wait for the right person, wait, wait, wait and use protection” conversation or got nothing at all from an embarrassed parent.
The second source was, ahem — reading material absconded from an older sibling or a friend’s older sibling. The third source was the bragging tales/lies of our friends. The fourth source was a health class offering education for one hour a semester. The teacher facing a classroom of horny teens peppered his lecture with useful tidbits just waiting to be put into action in the bedroom.
There’s more left out of those conversations than included. Things like sensitive body parts and pacing yourself and kinky desires that require something a little more out of the norm than a missionary meeting. Then there are the fallacies that include a three people every other night and hot encounters with luscious moms or the pizza delivery boy or a mysterious stranger on a train.
Then along came the Internet providing a wealth of information including this list of 10 things your dad never told you about sex. How’s that for clarity?