Man’s best friend, as we all know, is more than just a pet. Our dogs are members of our family. Sure, we do what we can to make them feel at home (mostly they take it upon themselves to feel that way).
But our efforts will never add up to the extremes celebrities go to in order to have their dogs live up to their status–diamond-crusted collars, solid gold food bowls, Fendi purses for crates.
As writer Stacy for Mental Floss‘s blog writes, we send our dogs to daycare and let them get on the furniture, desperately hoping they can’t read the pages of the Us Weekly on the coffee table to see how they fare with the superstar doggie competition.
However, some of us have found ways to ensure an inferiority complex never arises. With the article, “5 Ways Your Dog Could Be Living in the Lap of Luxury,” Mental Floss brings us a few gems from around the dog world that demonstrate the crazy things people do to spoil the fur off their dogs.
Take the doghouse that looks like a Tuscan villa, which goes for $15,000-$20,000 at retail price. Perhaps you could put the $200 canopy dog bed inside that villa to make your pet feel more at home. To see more ways to give your dog the luxury life, read the full article here.
Image: Mental Floss
Tags: dogs, doghouse, dog bed, pet supplies, family pets, celebrity pets, spoil your dog, Mental Floss