There is a staggering amount of pointless and downright stupid USB peripherals available for sale out there on the weird, wild world of the Internet. Just in case you don’t have enough weird things plugged into your computer’s very limited USB slot spaces, forcing your power supply into working overtime, Cracked has just what you need. Pick a crappy, useless gadget of your choice and cram it right in there!
In other blogging ventures I do, I spent a lot of time looking through gadgets for useful things. Or in some cases, exceptionally useless things, depending on what I’m looking for. These really are some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, and they remain dumb even after I’ve seen them more than once. Who in their right (or wrong) mind would want a USB-powered computer-humping dog that’s as loud as a weed eater chewing on a wooden fence post? At least it’s a pretty cute dog, right? That’s got to count for something, even if it is a dog that needs to be fixed.
Tags: gadgets, usb, computer accessories, weird gadgets, pointless gadgets, junk