People do a lot of odd surveys. A recent Ipsos Reid poll conducted in Canada at the behest of Microsoft asked a lot of questions about, what else, video games. I suppose they’re trying to find out just where people play games so they can respond and push the Xbox 360 into the proper areas to fulfill the needs of gamers everywhere. The pantsless needs of video gamers.
The survey uncovered some really weird information (which is why it’s here at your home of weird news, PopFi). Nearly 17% of male Canadian video game players have played naked. Even more shocking, 9% of female Canadian video game players have also played naked. The younger the gamers get, the more naked they area: an incredible 23% of Canadians 18-34 have played in the buff.
I can only hope they’re not using the vibrate function on their joysticks for nefarious purposes. Even if they were, at least they’re staying naked and peaceful, and not putting on clothes, heading outside, and attacking their neighbors. I wonder if the 23% of naked gamers also overlap with the 30% of work gamers.
Image: Joystiq
Tags: nudist, video games, naked gamers, naked video games, canada, odd surveys, naked canadian gamers, microsoft, xbox 360, xbox, joystiq, ipsos reid, survey