With the new Batman movie out this summer, I think back to all those Technicolor bad guys from the Adam West television version of Batman.
Funny, yes; scary, not so much.
I mean come on. That version of the Penguin’s biggest scare tactic was pointing at Robin with an umbrella while wearing a monocle.
Normally, the umbrella isn’t menacing unless you get poked in the eye with one held by a careless stranger during a rainy trek on a busy sidewalk.
Heck, umbrellas have even been used to build a house. Again, not scary, but protective.
But that’s just your ordinary, everyday garden-variety umbrella.
The umbrella I present to you today is more of a Chuck Norris sort of water repellent.
Not only do raindrops bounce off of it, but so do bad guys.
The Unbreakable Umbrella is being used by the Phillipines’ version of the Secret Service to defend their President, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
It looks like a regular black umbrella and weighs only one pound and nine ounces, but you can whack the holy crap out of an enemy or attacker and then fend off an April shower without any problems.
If you don’t believe this bumbershoot is one hard-core implement, check out this video.
H/T – Trendhunter
Tags: umbrella, self-defense, weapons, spy gear, Chuck Norris