Axl Rose has been working on the new Guns N’ Roses album, Chinese Democracy, since 1994. It’s been supposedly ready for release for many years, but legal problems have kept the album delayed. It’s missed release date after release date. The band has toured to drum up interest in the album, but the album hasn’t appeared yet. The whole thing has kind of become a joke, honestly. Dr. Pepper, the soda company, famously promised in March that if the album came out in 2008, they would give away free drinks to everyone in America. The album’s scheduled release date is November 24, 2008. It’s going to make it this time, and Dr. Pepper will make good on their promise.
From the AP article: “We never thought this day would come,” Tony Jacobs, Dr Pepper’s vice president of marketing, said in a statement. “But now that it’s here, all we can say is: The Dr Pepper’s on us.”
Starting this Sunday at 12:01 AM, you can head over to the official Dr. Pepper website and print out a coupon good for a free 20-ounce soda. I’m incredibly surprised. I’m not surprised that Dr. Pepper is honoring their promise; I’m surprised that Axl has gotten the album into stores! Word is the album is pretty good, too. I guess Dr. Pepper, like Red Bull, spurs your creativity! Thanks for the free soda, Axl!
Tags: Dr. Pepper, Axl Rose, Guns N’ Roses, Guns And Roses, free Dr. Pepper, Chinese Democracy, GNR, free drink, free soda, free beverage