It’s an event that’s sure to warm the hearts of English teachers everywhere. Today, March 4, is National Grammar Day, sponsored by MSN Encarta! It should have been the week before National Punctuation Day, if you ask me. After all, you have to end every grammatically correct sentence with the proper punctuation mark.
It’s funny, but those LOLCats that everyone loves (or hates) because of their adorable picture and bad grammar? The people I know who love them most are people whose job requires them to be pedantic about proper use of the English language. I love them, and I’m a professional writer. My teacher friends are all about I Can Has Cheezburger. I guess it’s okay to speak in pidgin English if you’re a cuddly kitty or adorable puppy.
I just wish that I could turn off the grammarian function every once in awhile. I’m tired of seeing mistakes everywhere I look. From billboards along the highway to that test I took to apply to be an editor (I made corrections on the already-corrected copy, thus ensuring I didn’t get the job by making my potential coworkers look bad), I always find things other people overlook. I’m the human Red Pen Of Death.
Image: I Has A Hot Dog
Tags: unusual holidays, national grammar day, society for the promotion of good grammar, holidays, English, MSN Encarta, loldogs, grammar dog