Well, I figured this would happen. The nameless Dodecamom, the Tunisian woman claiming to have been pregnant with 12 children, has been revealed to be a hoax. She’s not pregnant with 12 offspring. As it turns out, she’s not even pregnant with one child! She’s just crazily grabbing for media attention. Kind of like the actual Octomom, but without the stones to actually get pregnant with a million kids.
I know I’m not the only one who fell for the hoax. To be honest, I had this kind of qualm about the Octomom when she first appeared, and my regret on running that story is only in hindsight. But I do feel better that everyone else jumped on the Dodecamom (or Decadomom) bandwagon when I did out of fear of missing the next great freak pregnancy.
In fact, the only people who didn’t jump on the story are the doctors at her local hospital in Gafsa, Tunisia, who say she’s never been in for a visit, and officials from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, who maintain that nobody can actually get pregnant with 12 children because there’s only so much space in the human body available for baby storage. I may have gotten fooled, but I was in good company. That makes me feel a bit better. After Octomom, I’m ready to believe any freakish fact about the human body.
Tags: dodecamom, fake pregnancy, woman pregnant with 12 kids hoax, wannabe octomom, pregnancy hoax