I don’t know if any guy wants a straight, traditional wedding. I mean, I know I don’t. What I want is something akin to the wedding of Jack Holsinger and Connie Spitznagel. The two recently tied the knot at the Rockin’-R-Ranch in Columbia Station, Ohio, with a horror-themed wedding. The bride and groom were vampires, the best man was a pirate, and the minister was Jason Voorhees. The coolest part? That was all the bride’s idea!
I’m fairly sure that if I ever get married, it’ll be a pretty normal wedding and not some kind of freaky polygamy ceremony. Then again, I’m sure Keith Green was surprised his wife wanted a Shrek wedding, so maybe my wife will want some kind of zombie or Star Wars-themed ceremony. I can only hope. I don’t relish the thought of standing in front of a bunch of people under the best of circumstances, and in an uncomfortable, itchy rental tux definitely isn’t the best of circumstances.
Image: Worth 1000
Tags: vampire wedding, unusual wedding themes, odd weddings, Jack Holsinger, Connie Spitznagel, Greg Kopp, Rockin’-R-Ranch, Columbia Station, Ohio