It’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever read about, and I’ve read about a lot of weird stuff since I’ve started at PopFi. When you think of dolphins, you think of Flipper, right? They’re cute, they save humans from sharks, guide whales to safety, they’re smart and friendly, and will do tricks for fish. You don’t think of cold-blooded killer; yet, that’s what the dolphins off the coast of Monterey Bay, California have become. They’re cold-blooded, porpoise-killing murder machines.
What’s making the dolphins go kill-crazy? No one really knows. To be honest, I thought dolphins and porpoises were basically the same thing, and figured there’d be no interspecies violence there since they both have bigger enemies, like tuna fishermen and sharks. Yet here they are, ganging up on and killing porpoises, then delivering the corpses to researchers.
If I had to guess, it’s some kind of animal turf war. Or maybe, some genetically-engineered dolphins escaped from a government weapons lab and are taking their hate out on their fellow fish. Sure, it sounds like a bad Syfy movie, but dolphins have a history of being weapons.
Tags: dolphins, porpoise, dolphins attacking porpoise, animal turf wars, animals, unusual animals, nature, animal violence, California, Monterey Bay