Tim Crossan, a 39-year-old from Eugene, Oregon, was only trying to protect his family. Someone had broken into his home. Given his mother and young children were in the home, he had to do something to make sure they were safe, so he fought with the intruder while someone called the police. Of course, when the cops arrive, they promptly sic the police dog on the wrong man.
This isn’t the first time cops have made mistakes, but this is a lot bigger than losing a bag of drug-dog cocaine or playing a little Wii Sports during a drug raid. Not only did he break his hand on the intruder’s face, the cop dog attacked him, biting through his calf, chewing on his thigh, and taking a hunk out of his left buttock. While the dog attacked him, the real intruder escapes, which is the worst part of the whole thing!
The police, for their part, have yet to apologize. I imagine that tune will change once Mr. Crossan consults a lawyer.
Tags: Eugene, Oregon, Tim Crossan, man mistakenly attacked by police dog, intruder flees while dog attacks wrong man, police mistakes,