This has been an odd year, and the fact that there have been three occurrences of the infamous Friday the 13th makes it even weirder. Enjoy today while it lasts, because there won’t be another year with this many Friday the 13ths until 2015 (and we all know the world ends in 2012). The other two were in February and March, respectively. Now, lots of people stricken with triskadekaphobia fear the number 13, and folks with paraskevidekatriaphobia (or friggatriskaidekaphobia) fear Friday the 13th in particular. But they shouldn’t, because most of the scary ideas about Friday the 13th are myths. Here’s the reality behind Friday the 13th.
I don’t fear Friday the 13th. No special precautions are needed on my end. Just give me a stack of Friday the 13th movies to watch with a Leprechaun chaser for good luck, and I’m good to handle my day. Just no Friday the 13th: The Series episodes, please. I’m trying to have a good time, not a bad one.
Tags: Friday the 13th superstitions, Friday the 13th, urban legends, triskaidekaphobia, friggatriskaidekaphobia, paraskevidekatriaphobia, astronomy, coincidences