While The Lonely Island is a popular comedy musical group from Saturday Night Live, for some people, a lonely island is a perfect getaway spot. However, you probably don’t want to take a trip to the extreme and isolated places listed in this Tripbase article, as most of them are fairly inhospitable (to put it mildly). There’s a reason the most populated place on the list has a permanent residency of 500 people.
While Socotra might be nice, taking a trip to uninhabited Bouvet Island off the coast of Antarctica or to the village of Oyamakon in Siberia (where the average yearly high temperature is a chilly 16 degrees Fahrenheit or nearly -9 degrees Celcius) is definitely not. I do like the idea of being alone in the wilderness, but I really don’t like the idea of watching birds freeze solid in midair. If I wanted to be miserable, I’d just stay home and go to work every day.
Tags: isolated places, islands, distant places, low populations, most isolated places in the world, extreme isolation, tourism, Bouvet Island, Antarctica, Oyamakon, Siberia, Russia