Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me, “Ron, how can I be a better writer? You’ve got all these posts you do in a day, and I’m not even able to keep a normal blog, let alone keep up the kind of pace you set! What’s your secret?” There’s no secret; the way I do the work that I do is by having a lot of discipline. If you need a little help keeping on track, then Writerland has a list of great computer programs and techniques you can use to get organized, get writing, and get that novel finished.
The way I get myself motivated and overcome my natural inclination to procrastinate is by forcing myself. For example: here at PopFi, a good day’s worth of posting is somewhere between 6 and 10 posts. So, when I sit down to write, I’ll write groups of posts, and have them spaced out every half hour or every hour or whatever, so they’re evenly distributed. If I don’t get them written, then I make myself stay up until I do. If I write X number of posts, then I can go to bed and work on the rest tomorrow. Eventually my desire to get sleep gets my fingers and brain moving.
Image: Starts With A Bang
Tags: tips, tricks, time management, efficiency, writing, how to write on a deadline, deadlines, dealing with writer’s block, creativity, free software, writing software, organization, how to write