Talk about your fantasy fuel! Two Brooklyn, New York teachers in the Romance language department were caught enthralled in the act of love that dare not speak its name. It’s not just that the two teachers were having an affair, it’s that the two teachers were getting down at James Madison High School during school hours while their classes were at an assembly, while in the classroom. Did I mention that both are attractive female teachers, one of whom is married?
Alini Brito is the 29-year-old on the left; she’s a married Spanish teacher. Cindy Mauro is the 33-year-old on the right; she’s a French teacher. If it sounds like a perfect storm of adolescent fantasy fuel, you’re exactly right. When you add in the fact that (lucky) janitor Robert Colantuoni is the guy that discovered them in the throes of Sapphic passion, then you’ve got yourself the makings of a Van Halen video.
Tags: Brooklyn, New York, high school teachers caught having sex, lesbian affairs, affairs, inappropriate workplace relationships, Alini Brito, Cindy Mauro, Robert Colantuoni, James Madison High School