The thing about the holidays are that everyone can get in the spirit. For some it comes easier than others. Generally I’m a Grinch through and through, but even I enjoy Christmas lights. So does a deer in Colorado Springs, Colorado, who local folk say is wearing a string of lights in his antlers. Apparently he got a little jealous of Rudolph getting all the attention and decided to make a name for himself.
Residents have tried, unsuccessfully, to catch the deer; they’re not all domesticated deer, after all. Wildlife officials say Christmas lights aren’t a big concern for deer, provided they’re not around the animal’s neck or near their mouth. So this guy’s going to get to stay in the Christmas spirit all year long, or at least until he successfully scrapes off his unwanted decorations.
If you’d like to avoid the cost of replacing your Christmas lights, officials say that the tip is to not decorate your trees and bushes with lights, or to use shorter strands if you must. That’ll keep the deer out and keep your lights in place, where they belong. The deer can find their own decorations.
Image: Amazon
Tags: deer, unusual animals, Colorado Springs, Colorado, deer with christmas lights in its antlers, deer tangled in decorations, Christmas deer