When it comes to controversial Christmas decorations, there’s always the sexy nativity scene that has to be topped. However, a guy in Nipomo, California has taken that sex and replaced it with a little violence. Ron Lake, who is house-sitting, crafted a very controversial Christmas display depicting Jesus shooting Santa Claus in the chest with a shotgun. It goes without saying that local residents aren’t pleased with the display, which is probably why Lake takes it down at night and puts it back up during the day.
Lake says the piece is intended to create discussion about the commercialism of Christmas, and I could see how that might work, but I don’t really think the front lawn of a house that isn’t yours is the best place in the world to make those kind of statements. I mean, whoever really lives in that house will come back eventually, then they’ll have to live in the “Jesus Shooting Santa House” until they move or die. If you’re gonna do that, either get the owner’s permission or use your own house as an art gallery.
Image: Craftastrophe
Tags: Nipomo, California, Jesus shooting Santa Claus, Jesus versus Santa, controversial Christmas decorations, violent holiday decorations, Ron Lake, art installations, controversial artworks