Nick Harris isn’t a power-lifter. He’s about 5’7″ and 185 pounds. However, when it was a life or death situation, Nick Harris is not a man to be trifled with. When 8-year-old Ashlyn Hough, a friend of his daughter, was trapped beneath a car, he went Superman and lifted the car off the little girl. He’s smaller than I am, yet he managed to lift a Mercury!
We’ve covered some unusual feats of strength before, but this is exceptional. However, it’s not that unheard of. There are always stories going around about some suburban mom lifting a car off her trapped child and the like, but it’s pretty rare for someone to Hulk out for a stranger’s child. Nick Harris might not be a weightlifter, but he’s definitely a life-saver, as little Ashlyn suffered only some scrapes and a concussion. Not bad for being pinned under a car.
Tags: Ottawa, Kansas, dad lifts car off daughter, dad saves daughter, incredible feats of strength, adrenaline-fueled feats of strength, dad lifts car, rescues, Nick Harris, Ashlyn Hough, Kristen Hough