Some interesting news this morning. If you’re in the New York City metropolitan area and you’re looking to buy yourself an iPhone with your after-Christmas holiday cash, you’ll have to buy it at a brick and mortar location. The AT&T website will not sell iPhones to citizens of the Big Apple. New York has been hit with an iPhone ban. The reason? New York is not ready for the iPhone.
That’s not me saying that, that’s an AT&T customer service representative that The Consumerist contacted. The iPhone has swamped AT&T’s cell network thanks to its popularity and its data-hungry apps, and that’s one of the reasons why the iPhone has been dropping calls left and right in major cities. The easiest solution to solve the problem was to cut it off at the source. In this case, the source is the iPhone itself.
Image: Tech Ex
Tags: iPhone, Apple, iPhone sales suspended in New York, New York City, technology news, iPhone blocked, sales, AT&T, cell phones