So, have you ever wondered just how the universe would look if all the things that happened in the movies were actually going to happen? I don’t mean like World War II, I mean like everything from prehistoric times until the farthest reaches of the future. If so, do I have a list for you: The Movie Timeline by comedian Paul Kerensa. It covers everything from the creation of the earth until 865,427,810, where Alexander Hartdegen stops briefly in The Time Machine.
As the Squirrel Queen said, it’s interesting to see history overlap with fiction. I’ve not read the whole thing to see how exhaustive it is, but just picking a few years at random? It seems to cover a lot of years really well. This is a serious list for serious movie nerds, and since I am one, I can tell this thing is going to eat up a lot of my free time over the next few days. I fully intend on reading the whole thing.
Image: Blame It On The Voices
Tags: movies, Hollywood, movie time line, history as told by the movies, alternate histories, movie buffs, timelines, timeline events in movies, Paul Kerensa