My love of argyle knows no bounds. When I went to my high school reunion, I wasn’t excited so much about seeing old friends or my new suit as I was about being able to wear a pair of discreet argyle socks with my outfit. Seriously, that one little detail made my entire night. It goes without saying that the fact that argyle is popular again kind of fills me with joy. That’s why I love Personality Socks. They’re argyle socks (and other types of socks) for the legs of your kitchen chairs!
These socks are not just awesome looking; they’re also functional. Given the way they fit over the legs of the chairs, they serve an important purpose. They allow you to slide your chair on the kitchen floor without scuffing the wood/tile/other all to pieces! Socks might not protect you from a winter cold, but they can protect your hardwood floors from stray marks.
Tags: Personality Socks, unusual chair accessories, chairs, chair socks, argyle, socks for chair legs, interior design