Customers at a Lidl grocery store in Madrid, Spain, might have gotten a little more than they’d bargained for when they went to the store to pick up some delicious plantains. No, there’s nothing wrong with those cousins to the banana; they’re actually really tasty when fried up. Most things are tasty when fried. The shipment of plaintains actually contained 25 packages of heroin! I’m not sure if heroin tastes better fried or not and I hope to never find out.
The plantains came from the Ivory Coast and Ecuador. I’m not sure where the heroin came from; maybe it was meant to go to the circus to take care of the elephant’s smack habit. Either way, Lidl has pulled all their plantains off the shelf and police in Madrid have a lot of fruit rotting away in the evidence locker.
I wonder, are those plantains safe to eat? Do you think the heroin might adversely affect the fruit, or do you think that once you peel the plantain the edible part is just as good as ever, assuming you didn’t get high off the smack dust soaking into your fingertips? I wonder these things sometimes.
Tags: Madrid, Spain, Lidl, bananas and heroin, heroin hidden on store shelves, heroin shipped in food packages discovered, drugs, heroin, plantains