Sometimes, when it comes to bank robbers, the older they are the dumber they are. Such is the case of Robert Evans, who at 68 had embarked on a fairly profitable string of bank robberies. That is, until he made a crucial mistake: he robbed his own bank. That’s right, he stuck up the bank where he kept an account, and what’s what got him caught in the end.
Of all the banks in LA, why did he rob his own bank? I mean, did the oxygen tank bandit hit all the good ones? Was he constrained by the bus route or something? Was he running late for the early bird special at Denny’s? It seems like the last thing you’d want to do is rob a bank where you go every month to cash your Social Security check and where they have your address on file. That kind of makes it easier for the cops to find you.
Tags: Los Angeles, California, stun gun bandit, Robert Evans, man robs his own bank, dumb criminals, unusual crimes, bank robber, customer robs his own bank, senior citizen criminal