It’s the ultimate in recycling. You take several tons of shredded paperwork bits and pieces, the kind most businesses and homes generate on a daily basis, you feed it into a gigantic machine, and those 40 pieces of standard letter paper become a roll of clean, white toilet tissue. If it sounds like some kind of fantastic futuristic invention, that’s because you’ve never heard of the White Goat. It’s 6 feet tall and 1300 pounds of toilet-paper-making machine!
It’s a pretty simple machine. Paper is shredded, then dissolved in water. That pulp is strained for staples and foreign matter, and the resulting raw paper is dried and wound into rolls. In 30 minutes, you’ve turned a 500-sheet ream of A4 paper into 12 and a half rolls of toilet tissue! It’s perfect for any large company or school that wants to cut down on expenses and save the planet at the same time. It doesn’t look to be the most comfortable TP on earth, but I’m sure it does the job.
Tags: inventions, unusual machines, recycling, turning scrap paper into toilet paper, White Goat, Oriental Company Ltd, waste paper into toilet paper