It’s one of my favorite XKCD strips of all time: XKCD Loves The Discovery Channel. And now it’s come to life in what has to be the ultimate tribute to the Internet thanks to Olga Nunes, featuring puppets, Neil Gaiman, Wil Wheaton, Cory Doctrow, Miss Cellania, Google Zurich, and pretty much everyone of any importance that is currently involved in the Internet and its greater culture (and yes, the Internet has a culture). It’s wonderful. You can’t watch this and not have a wonderful rest of the day.
The only thing I wish they could go back and add in somewhere are the “Engineer’s Guide to Cats” guys and their cats. The Internet is nothing without at least one feline representative, LOLcat preferred. This gives me a case of the raging happies. Boom-De-Yada!
Tags: viral videos, I Love The Internet, xkcd, Boom-De-Yada, videos, songs, Neil Gaiman, Cory Doctrow, Wil Wheaton, Internet culture, internet celebrities, Olga Nunes