Apparently, at one time or another, it was okay for your gang to have a business card. I imagine in the simpler times before crack cocaine, most gangs were just kids hanging out, not big businesses like they are today. Still, that doesn’t mean the gangsters didn’t want to have awesome American Psycho-type business card parties, which is why they had cards made at the local printer. You can check out the full gallery of gangland business cards at We Are Supervisors.
It’s a mind-boggling thought, but apparently real gangs were just as, ahem, inventive as the fake gangs put forth in the classic 1979 Walter Hill movie The Warriors. I mean, Chip and Dale with sunglasses and scythes? Unicorns and assault rifles? That’s not all that far removed from the Baseball Furies and The Warriors in terms of goofy gangland identifiers.
Tags: OG art, unusual art, gang business cards, Chicago, gangland business cards, unusual business cards, lesser-known art history lesson, We Are Supervisors