The health benefits of a good nap cannot be overstated. In fact, experts say that if you’ve got to do some heavy-duty studying, a 90-minute power nap might be just what the doctor ordered to combat mental fatigue, brain clutter, and general weariness. Taking naps will actually help you learn! According to lead researcher Matthew Walker of University of California-Berkeley, “Sleep not only rights the wrong of prolonged wakefulness but, at a neurocognitive level, it moves you beyond where you were before you took a nap.”
This is actually something I’ve noticed in my real life, as well. Before, when I had something to do, I’d just stay up and work on it. Then, as the result of a completely shutdown due to lack of sleep, I changed my routine entirely. Now instead of staying up until 3 AM, getting up for work at 6:30, and taking a 2-hour nap when I get home, I’m getting up at 5 AM, taking a nap about 2 PM for about 15 minutes, and going to bed at 11 PM or so. Working early in the morning has, by and large, been a boon to my writing. The value of a clean, refreshed brain cannot be overstated.
Tags: napping, health benefits of sleep, napping helps increase learning, napping clears the mind, health benefits of a nap, power naps, unusual health news, hippocampus, sleep and the brain, Matthew Walker, University of California-Berkeley, sleep and learning