It’s one of the weirdest phenomena related to social networking. You meet someone at a party for five minutes, tell them your name, and when you get home there they are, staring you right in the face. They want to be your Facebook friend. But they’re basically a stranger to you! Why would they want to be your friend? Well, it’s a stickier situation when it comes to the workplace, but there are lots of ways to decline Facebook friendship without offending.
There’s always the classic option: you can take the friend request and then either unfriend them later or set them to some non-friendly general associate privacy level where they get limited status updates. I’m a big fan of the use of LinkedIn for job-related friends. I’ve thought about starting one anyway, just in an attempt to get my freelance writing career a little more active.
Of course, the ultimate way to avoid this kind of sticky situation is to not use Facebook, or delete Facebook your account if you do. Join the social media suicide squad! Viva la Facebookless revolution!
Tags: social networking, linkedin, linked in, facebook, declining facebook friend requests, how to decline facebook friend requests, declining facebook friends