Everyone is familiar with the Toyota company’s recurring bout of car problems by now, but as it turns out, the company has known about these issues for a lot longer than they’ve let on. Years longer, in fact, judging by how Toyota executive Yoshimi Inaba bragged about the company’s limited 2007 recall, which saved the company $100 million dollars despite not even coming close to fixing the brand-wide problem of throttle control problems. Yes, Toyota saved $100 million dollars; so how many people died because Toyota wanted to save its image as the reliable car?
Looks like Toyota tried to fix everything but the actual problem in an attempt to save their own behinds, not that I’m surprised. Toyota is great at marketing their cars, and pretending their cars aren’t as bad as everyone else’s cars, but this ought to disprove that theory entirely.
Whenever I hear about a safety recall, I think about Fight Club. Jack’s job in Fight Club was to work for insurance companies investigating car accidents. His job was to figure out just how many people had to be hurt or die before the company absolutely had to do a recall on a piece of faulty equipment. I just wonder what Toyota’s magic number was.
Image: MSNBC
Tags: Toyota recall, Toyota, limited Toyota recall saved money, car recall, bragging, bad timing, Toyota ignored safety issues, Yoshimi Inaba