With the shuttering of the Ministry of Defense’s UFO investigation unit in December, it was only a matter of time before the UK decided they’d be better off just resigning all UFO-related matters to the dust bin of history. As it turns out, they’ve started that process a little early. According to a leaked memo, allfuture UFO reports will be destroyed after 30 days. By doing this, the Royal Air Force A) avoids having to release them under information requests and B) doesn’t have to turn them into the National Archives.
I can understand why you’d have to destroy old paper records, but in this day and age it’s easy to digitize and tag all that stuff with pertinent tracking information so it can be discovered later. After all, you never know what might turn out to be useful information and what might just be a page from the crank files, so who decides what information gets shredded and what doesn’t? What gets reported as a UFO might actually be a missing airliner.
Tags: UFOs, Britain, UFO files destroyed, Ministry of Defence, UFO documents shredded, UFO investigation documents to be destroyed, UFO investigation files, Freedom of Information