Actually, while the sign is warning of prostitutes, locals (and pretty much everyone else) are confused by the meaning. Does it mean prostitutes might be crossing the road? Does it mean that the neighborhood where the sign is located in Treviso, Italy, is a working girl work zone? Does it mean wild prostitutes might come darting out of the bushes alongside the road and jump out into traffic like deer?
The sign, an amusingly simple one of an hourglass figured woman with a handbag, is simply labeled with the Italian phrase “Attenzione Prostitute.” It’s nowhere near as self-explanatory as the Romanian drunk crossing sign is, though it it as funny. I want to guess that the sign denotes prostitutes in the area, so be on the lookout for cars slowing down to check out the goods. Actually, speaking of slowing down, it might just be placed there to get drivers to slow down and look, rather than just speed on through.
Tags: prostitute warning sign, prostitute crossing sign, unusual road signs, Treviso, Italy, Attenzione Prostitute, weird signs