All the workers wanted was what they consider their fair share. Considering they work for the world’s fourth-largest brewery, they just wanted to sample the product. At the Carlsberg brewery in Denmark, employees felt they were allowed three beers a day, plus beer at lunch. They work hard, they deserve a refreshing drink! When the company removed beer from the fridges, 880 employees walked out.
“We think times have changed and we need an alcohol policy that is accepted by society – 93% of Danish companies have an alcohol policy,” said Carlsberg spokesman Jens Bekke. “There has been free beer, water and soft drinks everywhere. (On Wednesday), beers were removed from all refrigerators. The only place you can get a beer in future is in the canteen, at lunch.”
The drivers, whose trucks have alcohol locks to prevent drunk driving, claim a right to have three drinks a day. Warehouse workers, until Wednesday, claimed that very same entitlement. Despite prohibition from the Confederation of Danish Industry and trade union 3F, the workers went on strike anyway. No justice, no beer!
Tags: Carlsberg, brewery employees on strike, drinking ban at work causes strike, Denmark, Jens Bekke, three beers a day, employees strike over beer, free beer at work