They’re two of the most self-promotional enterprises you could ever possibly see, yet there they are together. One of them seeking to cling to her 15 minutes of fame, the other one seeking to get some publicity any way they can. Octomom and PETA, together at last, as PETA has put up a spay-and-neuter billboard on the lawn of Octomom’s La Habra, California, house.
The billboard reads, “Don’t let your dog or cat become an ‘octomom.’ Always spay or neuter. PETA.” In exchange for the ad space, Octomom Nadya Suleman gets $5,000 and a month’s supply of veggie burgers and vegetarian hot dogs for her and the kids.
This is just the latest publicity stunt for PETA, who are known for their scandalous ads. As for Octomom, this is the first of her many desperate attempts to cash in on the fame of having way too many children. Hopefully next, she’ll take $5,000 in exchange for letting PETA spay her.
Image: SNAFU-ed
Tags: PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Octomom, Nadya Suleman, La Habra, California, publicity, ads, ad campaigns, unusual ads, spay and neuter pets, publicity stunts