The world’s oldest LOLcat was thought to date from the early 1900’s, but that turns out not to be the case. At LOLcat world headquarters I Can Has Cheezburger, there’s an even older series of LOLcats. Not just a laughing cat, either, we’re talking cats doing funny things with captions. Grammar changes, but LOLcats are forever.
As it turns out, the LOLcat dates to the 1870’s when photographer Henry Pointer captured his cats on photograph. The Brighton Cats were a series of 200 cat pictures taken by Pointer and given captions. That’s dedication, isn’t it? Over 200 pictures, all of them of cats with captions!
Of course, the captions aren’t terribly funny, but like any good art form, it took awhile for the LOLcat to develop. It took over 140 years, actually. Still, I think the results are worth it, if only because now I can has funny cat pictures whenver I wants them.
Tags: lolcats, I Can Has Cheezburger, The Brighton Cats, Henry Pointer, cat macros, cats with captions, the world’s oldest lolcats, lolcats from 1870, early lolcats, lolcat ancestors, funny cat pictures