It sounds like something from the Keystone Kops era of silent movies, or maybe a Police Academy-style spoof. There’s a guy trapped in a van, with the alarm blaring. The two officers rush to the scene to give aid. One of the cops manages to squeeze into the escape hatch and check on the man trapped in the van. The other cop manages to get in the driver’s compartment. Then, both cops get stuck trying to free the trapped man.
Who watches the watchmen? More like who rescues the rescuer! I’m actually surprised this doesn’t happen to cops more often, since jail cells can’t be opened from the inside and cop car rear doors only open from the outside. That’s just a recipe for disaster, you’d think.
Image: Brentoons
Tags: dumb police, rescues gone wrong, fail, cop gets trapped trying to rescue trapped man, Keystone Kops, Gillingham, Kent, England, Twydall Green, two cops get stuck trying to rescue trapped man, police get trapped in van