He doesn’t have a name, but the young duck-billed platypus should probably be called Stinky if he ends up going to a zoo (the plan is to release him into the Lower Nepean River catchment). That’s because it took a crew of 27 men some six hours to free the juvenile platypus from within the confines of a sewer pipe at the Penrith Sewage Treatment Plant near Sydney, Australia. Fortunately, both the platypus and the sewer pipe are okay, if a bit shaken up.
Apparently, platypus sightings in Sydney are pretty rare. Since I’m an American, I assumed they just ran wild over there like raccoons do here, but I guess not. The crew who spotted the beast didn’t even know it was a platypus at first; they’d mistaken it for an otter! I guess they couldn’t see his distinctive duck bill since, you know, he was caught in a poop chute. Still, as rare as it is, that’s probably one of the least unusual things pulled from sewers.
Tags: platypus rescued from sewer pipe, Penrith Sewage Treatment Plant, Sydney Water, platypus stuck in sewer, 27 people rescue platypus from sewer pipe, six-hour platypus rescue, unusual animal rescues, Sydney, Australia