In the words of Dr. Peggy Heis, “So some things are just meant to be.” Such is the case of Ella Rose Riehler, who was born on 8/9/10 at exactly 11:12 PM at Cincinnati, Ohio’s Christ Hospital. That’s right, the baby was born at 8/9/10 11:12. If only she’d have gotten out at exactly 13 seconds!
Still, the timing is incredible. Joked new mom Terri Riehler, “I’m like ‘Oh! Easy! I won’t get my kids birthdays’ mixed up.’ 8/9/10… It’ll be easy to remember, good to go!” Dr. Heis joked that it would be great if the baby was born at 11:12, but 11:12 AM came and went and still, no Ella Rose. Then, 11:12 PM came around, Terri gave a last push, and bingo, baby time!
“She was set on that time. She wanted to be unforgettable,” says Terri of her new daughter’s incredible birth time and date.
Tags: unusual births, timely births, right on time, baby born on 8/9/10 at 11:12, Ella Rose, Terri Riehler, Peggy Heis, Cincinnati, Ohio