Some folks are blaming the unusually cold weather. Some folks are blaming the deforestation of the Amazon jungle. Some folks are blaming the disease. Either way, the town of Urakusa, Peru, is the center of a massive outbreak of rabies thanks to a massive vampire bat attack on the town and its inhabitants.
Officials in Peru believe up to 500 people in the Peruvian Amazon have been exposed to rabies thanks to vampire bat attacks, and no telling how many of those 500 are on their way to becoming a foaming-at-the-mouth special edition of Dracula. Vampire bats are infamous for the way they feed off blood, unlike normal adorable bats. Peruvian health officials have moved in and vaccinated as many people who might have been bitten as they could, but some refused the help of the volunteers, saying they’d rather be protected by Manu Ginobili’s bat-smacking service.
[tags]Urakusa, Peru, vampire bats, rabid vampire bats, rabies, 500 made ill after rabid bat attack, Peruvian Amazon, deforestation, unusual animals, animal attacks, vampire bat attack[/gags]