It’s one of the age-old issues that is guaranteed to infuriate a significant portion of people from Nevada. All you have to do is pronounce the middle syllable with an -ah instead of an -a. That’s right, Nevadans hate it when you call their state Ne-VAH-da, and they’re willing to let you know. However, outgoing Las Vegas democrat Harry Mortenson has introduced a bill into the state legislature to get the pronunciation Ne-VAH-da deemed officially acceptable.
It sounds like Harry has too much time on his hands, but really, he wants the state to okay the non-preferred pronunciation of Nevada’s name as a nod to the state’s Spanish heritage. Meanwhile, people from Nevada will continue to mock out-of-staters and Yankees who say the state’s name wrong. We can’t all be like New York and have 98 official nicknames.
Interestingly, I’m from a city where the pronunciation of the locals and the pronunciation of everyone else is completely different. I live in Louisville; locals say it Lu-uh-vul, with as much slurring and as little pronunciation as possible. Everyone else calls it Louie-ville or (worst of all) Louis-ville. Never call it Louis-ville. We hate that.
Tags: Nevada, Carson City, Nevada pronunciation, Harry Mortenson, bill to okay Ne-VAH-da pronunciation, how to pronounce Nevada, unusual laws, law to declare pronunciation of Nevada