In another display of stunning airport security fail, Dutch officials in Amsterdam had to do what American officials in Birmingham, Alabama, Chicago, Illinois, and Detroit, Michigan, failed to do. Two Yemen-born men, Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi and Hezem al Murisi, were arrested in Amsterdam after a terrorism dry run in which the two men wore bulky clothing, carried fake bombs, and had weapons in their respective luggage. The first one was pulled out in Birmingham; the second time the men were waved through security was at O’Hare Airport. It was only after their plane landed in Amsterdam that the two were finally arrested by somebody with some sense.
al Soofi even checked his luggage on a plane for Washington, D.C., before getting onto his flight to the Netherlands. At least that time the luggage was removed from the plane before it took off. I guess it was okay to let the two actual potential terrorists fly away, provided they didn’t blow up too many airplanes.
This is just another case of airport security sleeping on the job. If you’re going to pull the guy out and find suspicious stuff in his luggage, like a fake bomb, why won’t you just pull him off the plane? Obviously they’re doing SOMETHING illegal and/or potentially dangerous. You can’t wear boots or underwire bras in the airport, but you can suspiciously tote around mocked-up bombs no problem? Please.
Tags: Amsterdam, Netherlands, terrorism, two terror suspects arrested after dry run, practice bombing run, airport security, Detroit, Michigan, Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi, Hezem al Murisi, Yemen, O’Hare Airport