Welcome to a brave new world, ladies and gentlemen. In a world where everything syncs up to Facebook (even competitors like MySpace), it’s not surprising that Apple would want to get in on that lucrative social networking market. I mean, Apple is the original technology cult, what with their fanboys and other associated Macheads. Now, Steve Jobs is turning Apple fans into a social network thanks to the newly-announced Ping service. Linking Ping to iTunes gives Ping a built-in 160 million user install base almost instantly.
Basically, Ping is going to function like an iTunes-based social network. Essentially, Ping is a Facebook for music fans, allowing users to follow one another on Ping, check out what other people are purchasing or streaming, and even read reviews from friends and other fans of the same kind of music you like. Even cooler, Ping will now allow iTunes users to follow their favorite artists to get live updates from the road, concert dates as they’re announced, and other cool features. Basically, it’s like the Facebook activity stream you’re used to, but without all the stupid Farmville updates.
Tags: social network, Apple, iTunes, Ping, Steve Jobs, iTunes social network, Facebook-like service for iTunes, announcements, Apple social network, iTunes Ping service