There’s a hot new insurance policy in the works. Given that they’ll insure hair and thumbs and everything else, there’s no question that one of the most important decisions in life has to be insurable as well. Enter the Kernersville, North Carolina, insurance agent John Logan. After his marriage went south, he decided to hedge his future bets and started offering what he calls WedLock Divorce Insurance. That’s right, it’s anti-divorce insurance to go alongside your free divorce vouchers and your divorce ceremony.
Here’s Time’s explanation of the math behind how divorce insurance works, because if I tried to math it up myself, it’d be terrible. “It costs about $16 a month for every $1,250 of coverage. But to discourage people from signing up just prior to their divorce, policyholders must ante up for four years before the policy will pay out. It adds a premium of $250 per unit for every year the marriage survives beyond four. So if a policyholder who bought 10 units got divorced after 10 years, he or she would have handed over $19,188 and would receive a payout of $27,500.”
So, basically, you might get enough to cover the cost of your divorce, if you’re lucky. Still, I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry. Or I guess single than divorced, in this case.
Image: Time
Tags: divorce, divorce insurance, WedLock, Kernersville, North Carolina, WedLock Divorce Insurance, unusual insurance policies, John Logan, WedLock, marriage insurance