When my friend Andrew was in New York City, I told him he had to get to the corner of Bowery and East Second Street. Besides being near the former home of CBGB, it’s also the home of Joey Ramone Place, which is a street corner named in honor of the life-long New Yorker and deceased lead singer of the seminal punk band The Ramones, Joey Ramone. It’s more than just an attraction for tourists, it’s an attraction for thieves. The City of New York’s Department of Transportation has been forced to move the Joey Ramone Place sign to deter thieves.
Impressively, the sign is one of the most stolen street signs in New York City. Authorities elevated the sign another eight feet, making it a staggering 20 feet off the ground. If they can get up there to steal the sign now, they deserve to take it, in my opinion. That will require a feat of dexterity even Jackie Chan couldn’t pull off! Ramones drummer Marky Ramone said that Joey would appreciate being the most-stolen sign in New York, but he laments, “Now you have to be an NBA player to see it.”
The sign has been stolen four times since it was put up in 2003. You have to admit, like the drunk crossing sign and the prostitute warning sign, a Joey Ramone sign would look awesome in your game room.
Tags: Joey Ramone, Joey Ramone Place, most stolen street sign in New York City, New York moves Joey Ramone Place sign, New York moves Joey Ramone sign, Bowery and East Second Street, stolen street signs, most stolen street sign, unusual street signs