Years before it was dramatized in a movie, environmental health and safety crusader led an epic struggle against a local utility company after they dumped a mile-long plume of hexavalent chromium, or chromium-6, in Hinkley, California. That fight caused both a movie and a $333-million-dollar settlement. However, chromium-6 is still a problem, as researchers say it may cause stomach cancer. According to a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group, possibly-carcinogenic chromium-6 is found in tap water sources throughout the United States. Here’s the full study from EWG.
So what does chromium-6 do in humans? Well, if you breathe it, it’s bad. It causes stomach cancer in mice, but no definitive studies have been conducted in humans, according to the Chicago Tribune. Hinkley, California, tried to blame a rash of local cancer deaths on chromium, only to find out that their cancer rate was actually lower than expected, which kind of punches holes in the chromium scare.
Long story short, even though your tap water might be causing cancer, it’s nothing to seriously worry about. Everything causes cancer. It’s not even established that chromium-6 does ANYTHING when taken in via water. There are definite carcinogens we are exposed to daily. Here’s hoping chromium-6 is safe, but I’m not losing any sleep (and not ceasing in my consumption of tap water).
Tags: chromium-6, hexavalent chromium, carcinogen found in tap water nationwide, hexavalent chromium found in 31 tap water samples, city tap water tests reveal presence of hexavalent chromium, chromium-6 found in tap water, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Working Group, Erin Brockovich, tap water, municipal water quality