The village of Reconvilier, Switzerland, is a pretty small place, but it’s pretty pet-friendly. The town’s population is 2,245 humans and 280 dogs, but the dogs might be at risk due to the actions of their humans. According to a 1904 law, if people do not pay a $50 dollar dog tax, the town may be able to seize and execute the dog in question. Sounds pretty harsh to me, but town officials are in dire straits and too many people have failed to pay the annual fee in the past, say city officials.
“This isn’t about a mass execution of dogs,” said Pierre-Alain Nemitz, a local official in Reconvilier. “It’s meant to put pressure on people who don’t cooperate.”
These aren’t vicious killer Pomeranians or pit bulls on death row, these are otherwise well-behaved pets that are being threatened with death. It goes without saying that the citizens of Reconvilier are pretty angry about this and are threatening local officials with the same treatment they’re threatening to give to the dogs. If you pay your tax, though, this won’t be an issue.
Tags: Reconvilier, Switzerland, Pierre-Alain Nemitz, dogs may be seized and killed over dog tax, dog tax, taxes, pay your taxes or your dog will be put to death, unusual laws, dog tax may lead to execution, pets, pet tax, pay pet tax or pet will be killed, unusual rules, dog tax death penalty, death penalty for pets not paid for