Phoenix Jones isn’t an ordinary superhero. Unlike those of DC Comics or Marvel Entertainment, Phoenix Jones doesn’t have any super powers. He’s just a normal person like you or me, except with one key difference: Phoenix Jones is on the streets of Seattle, Washington, fighting crime in an armored superhero costume. In that way he’s more like one of the heroes of Watchmen than a traditional hero, right down to the part where he’s not so good at being a superhero. Phoenix Jones, self-styled Guardian of Seattle, got his nose broken breaking up a fight involving an armed gunman.
So yeah, Phoenix Jones is kind of crazy, but he’s the brave kind of crazy. Granted, he does have a bullet-proof vest on under his costume, but a bullet-proof vest won’t stop everything, and it definitely won’t stop being shot in the face. However, Jones isn’t alone. Seattle apparently has a whole team of superheroes, including such notables as Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88, and Penelope.
“If police aren’t here, criminals feel free to run wild in my city,” said Jones, a father of two in real life. “And I’m not going to stand for it.”
If I could suggest a name, I’d go for the Emerald City Defenders, The New Justice Team, or perhaps the Seattle Society Of Superheroes.
Tags: Phoenix Jones, Seattle, Washington, real-life superhero, Phoenix Jones gets his nose broken, superheros patrol the streets of Seattle, Phoenix Jones guardian of Seattle, crime fighter, unusual people, weird people, costumes, superheroes of Seattle, unusual professions, civilian crime fighters